Saturday, November 07, 2015

All the news from Lake Wobegon

Garrison Keiler might say that this is not the news from Lake Wobegon, but it has turned into a catch phrase way of telling people what you have been up to lately.Sometimes it feels like Groundhog day all over again here in Calistoga, because change seems to happen very slowly here. The weather has been cold in the morning and sunny in the afternoon. Temperatures have been ranging from 40 to 70 degrees, so Fall is definitely here. Rain is expected in the coming days and most are happy about that because of the long draught that has plagued us for the past two years.

The Warriors have started their basketball season with a few wins already and it looks like the team is off to a good start. Kids are recovering from last week's Halloween soire and hopefully are busy with their homework.I am busy painting rocks which is like a meditation for me.Below is a picture of a hippie couple dancing in the town square in downtown Sebastopol.They looked like they were stoned after watching them earlier.

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