Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve 2018

The year went by so fast, but I don't have to tell you that. Is it that we circle the drain faster as it eventually empties out? Whatever the case, I am still trying to do the best I can with the time left on this planet. My wish is for everyone to be happy, joyous and free this Christmas. My hope is for a healthy world of love, peace, and respect for life in every form. Generally speaking, our birth and our expiration date are pre-determined. Who among us would like to admit that they know when they are going to die, even if they did? Was Aldous Huxley the only one who made such an accurate prediction of his own death? (albeit without attempting suicide). The question is ponderable and makes the argument for reincarnation curious. If one is reborn, at what point would that cycle expire? Does infinity expand or contract... or both? Inquiring minds want to know. (Geez, is this particular blog boring or what?) I rest my case.