Monday, May 09, 2011

The Farmer’s Market

Saturday was the kickoff for the Calistoga Farmer’s Market. I got up early after a long Friday which involved gathering all my resources in order to have a successful first attempt at selling the “Spirit Rocks”. It went pretty good actually. I met lots of locals and tourists alike and made enough to pay for the space and buy some lunch ( whoopee ! ). A Car Show was going on, which took up most of Lincoln Avenue. The foot traffic spilled nicely onto the side street where the Farmer’s Market was being staged.

I had an area that was near a coffee stand, so a lot of people stood around, drank coffee and talked while they checked out my merchandise. It’s odd to think of these rocks as merchandise, because I would rather have people think of them as personal talismans which they are gravitated towards and would naturally make a "suggested donation.” ( yea, right ) Of course, this scheme would not work for teenagers and others who probably just walk off with them. People liked the Glow-in-the-dark aspect of the Spirit Rocks, and I pitched the idea that it helped youngsters who were scared of the dark to get to sleep easier. My friend Veda was there and she helped out a lot by providing me with much needed moral support.

Later on in the day we went to my nephew Edward’s house for an early Mother’s day celebration. A lot of food and conversation ensued as many close relatives were present. Ed’s brother in law Nevin, announced his engagement to Jo, his fiance. She proudly displayed her engagement ring as we all helped ourselves to the Lumpia they brought for us to feast on.


Santa in Chicagoland said...

It looks like a terrific show—your video gives a good feel for peoples reaction to your spirit rocks.

Christopher Sullivan said...

Thanks, Ol’ Pal. I am having a blast with this new venture. I just hope that I can do whatever is necessary to make it last !