Saturday, April 06, 2013

Awaiting the Summer Season

It is nice to receive a tax refund and have enough money to pay the rent, but it looks like I have to step up my game a bit in the upcoming months.I will be selling the Spirit Rocks throughout the summer at the Farmer's Market in Calistoga and at the Chef's Market down in the city of Napa. That should keep me busy for sure. I do not have the time or inclination to spread myself too thin at this point.

I just recently found a retail outlet here in Calistoga to show these gift items. I will be speaking with another vendor who will be looking at showing the rocks at a retail outlet near Yountville as well. Things are looking up! Two things I want to get established eventually... an actual retail web site where anyone will be able to order and purchase a rock online. That is not a slam dunk at this point, due to construction, maintenance and operating expenses.

Anyone can visit the other blog, however. Check out the links to the right and click on the Your Spirit Rocks to see the "Rock of the week" and read about my musings...

oh joy!

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