Thursday, February 09, 2012

Still pounding the pavement

It’s been a year and a half since I left my job at the CIA. That almost sounds like a Catch 22, huh? ( You check out, but not really ). I have looked most every day for some type of work I can do; But at 61, sending out another résumé and cover letter almost seems like an exercise in futility. I have been trying to start my own business, painting gift rocks. This has been a seasonal business so far, as I usually sell mostly during the summer months. I have been trying to get a shopping cart on my Spirit Rocks blog so that friends can purchase their rocks online. This has been my strategy for the few months remaining until Spring.I hope to have that up soon.

Everyday,I paint a rock or two. Some are more beautiful than others. I try to think of ways of improving them. Being away from regular employment has been difficult. Today I went to the Dentist because I think I have an absess infection around a molar that has been capped. He took an ex-ray and determined to send me to a specialist for a root canal. Thankfully, hé has seen me with or without insurance. Job or no job. He is a very ethical Dentist, who I have been seeing now for twenty five years. I was able to get an appointment with a doctor who worked alongside the doctor who did the root canal originally. The original doctor has since gone out of practise ( good thing, because hé pretty much did a less than stellar job ). Now comes the money part.

Yikes !

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