Saturday, November 19, 2011

Silly me

Yesterday, I finished up painting a weeks worth of rocks. Actually, I was sorting out those rocks that needed to be categorized and others that needed a little touching up. By 3PM I had already packed up all the materials I would need to bring to the Carnagie building in St. Helena for the big Christmas Fair weekend. The plan was to set up our vendor’s booth the night before to prepare for the show which would begin at 10am the next morning. This showroom would be locked so that no one would have to be concerned about their “stuff”. Well I drove down there only to discover an exercise class going on, and no one having any clue about a “Christmas Fair”. I got on my Iphone to call the coordinator of this event, only to find out that I was a week early!


Well, at least now I have a whole extra week to put together some rocks with more Christmas-like themes. I think I will paint some snowflakes or Christmas trees probably. The fun never ceases!

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