Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cozy Cocoa

It is raining today , and it is looking like winter already. These are the days where I usually stay inside and draw or fiddle around on my computer or make something in the kitchen. I had a big breakfast after mass, with turkey bacon, a cheese omelette with jalapeƱo peppers and avocados. Then I prepared two slices of whole grain rye toast and topped it with yogurt butter and fig jam.I also made myself a cup of cocoa with cinnamon just for giggles. I am now making another cup because the first one was so good.
Nothing like a hot cup of cocoa on a cold, wet day. As a youngster we used to make it with warm milk and plop a marshmallow on the top. I can honestly say that I don't think I can remember the last time I had a marshmallow, can you? They were a highlight of my youth, especially on camping trips. Roasting a few on a stick was great fun, except when you burnt the roof of your mouth from eating the damn thing while it was still roasting.

In less than two months I will be 60 years old. This fact freaks me out a bit because I still feel like my life is just getting started and I am already past middle age! I know for certain that I am a late bloomer when it comes to maturity. I have to make all the mistakes there are to make in life before I get something right.

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