Wednesday, November 07, 2007

November has arrived

Here it is the seventh already and it seems like I just looked at the calendar and seven days have already gone by ! Life happens as you are making other plans... for sure! I suspect that this is the bane of modern society and the internet, but that is another matter. The W.O.F. has packed up and and moved on for another year.It is like the circus came to town and in a New York second, moved on to to San Antonio.It is so peaceful right now, I can actually stand it! Standard Time ( or is it Daylight Savings ) has begun and it starts to get dark just after four pm. The days are growing shorter, the nights longer. Pretty soon it will be December 21st and we will be longing for the Spring Equinox. Tonight I am having dinner with Dieter Dopplefield CMC. He is a Master Chef and quite a character. We have made the reservations under the name Dr. Deiter Dopplefield so we hope that holds sway. Over the past two days, I have met with friends, purchased a new MacBook, saw "Into the Wild" and finished some rudimentary domestic chores like laundry. Yes, there is always laundry to do.Zen and the art of doing laundry

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